New version of software for RTS-1 and RTS-1C

We are happy to announce the release of the new version of software 2.7.4 for RTS-1 and RTS-1C.

Here is the list of changes:

Baseline function:

This function is designed to zero-out a measured or known threshold. It will subtract the measured or inputted OD value from following measured OD values.

Here is a short guide how to use it:

  1. Press “Baseline” button in the toolbar to open the Baseline window.
  2. Baseline window will appear.
    1. Column ID: here is written the ID of the device
    2. Column Name: here is written the name of the device
    3. Column Baseline: here is written the measured or inputted OD value, which will be subtracted from the following measured OD values. It is also possible to type in the value via keyboard.
    4. Column Select: here is indicated for which devices the “Measure” button will work.
  3. Button “Measure” will measure the baseline value for the selected units.  
  4. Button “Select all” will select all devices
  5. Button “Deselect all” will deselect all devices
  6. Button “Set Baseline” will subtract the baseline values from the following measured OD values. This will work for all connected devices.
  7. Button “Reset” will set 0.00 in the “Baseline” column.
  8. To close the window, click on the  button.

Advanced measurement:

This function is designed to implement greater accuracy of measurement for dense samples. The maximum and minimum values will be ignored and the average of the remaining will be calculated. This function is set separately for each instrument.

Here is a short guide how to use it:

  1. Set the total number of measurements to make
  2. Set the interval between measurements in seconds
  3. Set the reverse spin longitude in seconds
  4. Set the OD value, above which the advanced measurement options will take place

In the controls, tick the Enable advanced measure.

Press Close button to close the window.

Improved performance:

Your non-stop experiments can last longer by ~5 times.


All calibration are now stored in public documents, instead of user specific documents.

In order to move your custom calibrations and profiling programs you can use the MoveTool.exe. The tool is located in RTS-1 software installation path. Click on MoveTool.exe.

Use the Move and Replace settings.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact [email protected]

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